If you are a homeowner looking to build,
Why does TF System make sense for you?
Energy Savings
Typical ICF energy savings are 25-40% over traditional stick-frame construction. The energy savings are MORE than enough to offset the small, differential cost of building with ICF’s over tradtional methods; this means that your investment in a TF System ICF saves you money in the long-run.
Our R-25 ICF wall has continuous rigid insulation on both sides eliminating the thermal bridging allowed by 2×4″ and 2×6″ studs every 16 inches in a typically constructed home. ICF’s are also inherently superior at mitigating air infiltration through the wall. This helps to prevents cold spots and condensation problems, which can lead to mold, mildew, rot, and costly repairs.
Safety and Disaster Resistance
ICF’s are 9 times stronger than stick-frame construction during extreme weather events. Solid concrete walls minimize the danger of flying objects and collapse during a high-wind episodes. Properly constructed ICF buildings make exceptionally strong storm shelters.
Noise Reduction
The combination of dense concrete encapsulated by 2.5″ of rigid foam insulation on both sides of the wall results in outstanding decibel reduction; leaving your home peaceful and quiet.
Ease of Design
Since our ICF system is vertical in orientation, design flexibility is taken to new heights. Intricate design features, such as arches, curves, gable end walls, and inclined planes, can readily meet designers’ and contractor’s expectations. Because TF System ICF walls are steel-reinforced concrete, insulated by rigid foam, our walls are stronger than CMU (concrete block walls) or traditionally built, stick-frame buildings
Your energy efficient TF System ICF walls and the benefits they provide will last for generations.
Here is an Interview with Travis Lehrar of Delrar Inc. on why TF System makes sense for residential construction.